GSW 7D Mark II

160 pages Price £9.95

Available now click here to purchase

Click on the cover above to get a 20 page sample of the eBook.

In this e-book Nina takes a no nonsense approach to understanding photography and learning how to use your EOS 7D Mark II camera. This reference volume will be ideal for those new to photography, the self taught and those who learnt on film and sometimes struggle to get the images they want with digital cameras.

Nina starts off by explaining the basic terms used within photography and then looks using the Auto+ mode to the full. Nina then to goes on to make sure that you have the grounding you need to understand in depth, to take images successfully with your digital EOS using the creative modes. Nina also takes a look at some of the overrides that are used commonly within the creative modes, what they do and how they are applied.

Nina takes a look at why the lenses you use play such an important part in capturing your images as you want them and also explains some of the terms commonly associated with lenses.

The book finishes off by looking at the thought process that needs to take place to get the very best images and looks at how things such as lighting can affect the images that you are shooting.

• Camera sensor size and lenses
• Understanding the settings we use
• ISO – what it sets and when to use it
• About the high ISO settings and when they need to be used
• Understanding what the aperture does
• How the ISO, shutter speed and apertures interact
• How to see the settings you took the image with
• Problem exposures and why they happen
• Understanding the Auto+ mode
• Understanding the creative modes
• Understanding the versatility of the program mode
• Understanding the focusing overrides
• Understanding the basic exposure overrides
• What makes successful images
• The part lenses play within photography
• Understanding lenses
• Understanding lens jargon
• The thought process we use in photography
• Understanding what light does to our images

A random selection of pages from the book are shown below.


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